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00:58 - "aquatic" plus Brent and Linda Holman
01:49 - why do the Shinteki Aquarius Remix?
03:18 - what changed between the 2004 and 2011 events?
05:10 - who played in the Remix?
05:48 - any surprises the second time around?
08:26 - differences between the two Remix weekends?
10:09 - how much work was the Remix vs. a completely new event?
15:56 - expectations, activities, and puzzles
19:40 - the new hint system
23:16 - what's next for Shinteki?
28:39 - upcoming events on PuzzleHuntCalendar.com, including the Puzzled Pint Pub Progression (7/23, PDX)!
30:05 - support Curtis in the Clarion UCSD Write-a-Thon
33:12 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "I Crush Everything" by Jonathan Coulton
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Why, could that be "Shinteki Aquarius", remixed?
Nuts - just got to this today and, as usual, Bragg beats me to the punch.
And you can be sure he didn't take any hints, either.
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