Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yeah, Mom, That's Me Too

On page 146 of this month's (May 2012) WIRED Magazine:

I believe I was the only Bay Area WHO helper costumed in a bow tie, as shown below. (The "Chen" mentioned in the next sentence is Crystal. No relation. I know, it's a bit confusing. You'll get over it.)

From WHO Game Bay Area re-cast

You can read more about the actual, not-so-brief berating in Larry Hosken's WHO Game write-up (skip down to "What the Yelling was About"). Good times.

The WIRED article should be online soon. It's a decent "highlight reel" of the WHO Game Bay Area re-cast, mostly written from a player's perspective. I'm not sure it fully captures the spirit of The Game, but I'm still happy to see our peculiar little hobby getting more mainstream exposure.

UPDATE: You can now read the complete Wired article online.


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