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00:59 - "real"
01:27 - Sean runs the Unfiction site
02:37 - Matthew helped organize ARGFest-o-Con 2009
03:45 - fun fact: Sean coined the term "Alternate Reality Game"
09:54 - puzzles, expectations, and appeal
12:40 - how does one find out about an ARG?
14:38 - commercial vs. indie ARGs
18:35 - "So what do you win?"
21:00 - finding the Perplex City cube
25:14 - thanks to Greg Filpus for suggesting this topic!
25:36 - Puzzled Pint and more on PuzzleHuntCalendar.com
26:17 - are you smarter than a 3rd grader?
27:31 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton
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To follow-up with a couple links to Perplex City related topics that came up:
the effort to find Satoshi - http://findsatoshi.wordpress.com/the-facts/
the finder of the Receda Cube talks about how he did it - http://www.andthenhesaid.com/cube/
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