(Apologies for the variable sound quality here; we were trying out a new microphone and recording setup.)
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00:59 - "dashing"
01:11 - in which we mispronounce everyone's name
01:56 - the importance of knowing where the nearest bathroom is
04:31 - how Ana, Matt, and Vic got into DASH
07:51 - the Puzzled Pint connection
10:54 - as seen on Twitter
12:50 - Emily's team was a family affair
15:10 - creating the Rapunzel puzzle for DASH
16:47 - on tuning puzzle difficulties for a diverse audience
18:31 - how different was running DASH vs. running Puzzled Pints?
21:10 - "Would y'all do it again?"
27:15 - Anecdote Time!
30:58 - "I do NOT condone shooting skateboarders with paintball guns."
32:52 - the problem with condiments
36:23 - thoughts on advertising
37:24 - Achievement Unlocked: On Budget!
38:28 - Upcoming Events on PuzzleHuntCalendar.com
39:32 - The End
Got a comment or question? E-mail podcast@snout.org or post at snout.org/podcast!
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton
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