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00:00 - Teaser: multitasking mythbusting (there's a study)
02:52 - Welcome!
04:20 - Question 1: Have there been any activities intertwined with Games that you think worked especially well?
05:21 - ...that Shinteki when we were supposed to peek at each others' name-badges?
08:40 - ...the trading game in Mooncurser's?
13:52 - INTROVERTED XENOPHOBES (thanks Brian)
16:06 - setting expectations; comparisons to Dragon Age: Origins
19:40 - Question 2: Has Team Snout ever considered doing something like this and then decided not to?
22:05 - Question 3: Teams who leave "calling cards" at clue sites: Bane or boon?
22:55 - HLOTF call: following the Notorious T.E.A.M.
27:10 - Question 4: Are there things that player teams do that boost your morale when you're on GC?
30:09 - HLOTF call: positive Nitinol feedback
32:50 - Two weeks from now, on the SnoutCast: Game Themes!
33:22 - Plugging DASH 2
34:02 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey," "First of May," "Tom Cruise Crazy," "Chiron Beta Prime," "You Ruined Everything," and "Shop Vac" by Jonathan Coulton
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1 comment:
Thanks for the answers! They weren't what I was expecting. Which means that they were worth saying, from an Information Theory perspective.
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