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00:00 - no teaser this week. maybe teaser next week
01:12 - many pop culture references are lost on DeeAnn
01:37 - This Week: Word Games
02:26 - Upwords > Scrabble ?
03:50 - DeeAnn and Boggle do not get along
04:30 - how is a word game like another word game?
05:51 - Perhaps we should not compare Quiddler to rummy. Or cribbage...
06:32 - ...or talk about people's grandmas.
07:35 - Anyway. Back to Quiddler.
10:05 - generalizing words to other patterns, sets, and sequences
11:34 - (we still haven't found that article about games vs. puzzles)
13:20 - a different kind of word game: Apples to Apples
14:21 - Scrabble as a math problem
17:38 - let's talk about Bananagrams
22:15 - taking advantage of the dictionary
23:12 - Listener Mail: how do you play board games with cats around?
24:44 - how to distract cats, children, friends, or dogs
27:32 - how to distract DeeAnn
29:05 - Next Week: Codes and Puzzle Hunts
30:08 - Upcoming Events: Shinteki Decathlon 6
31:42 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "My Monkey" by Jonathan Coulton; excerpt from "The Girl from Ipanema" by Jesse Bennett
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Wow, an edit. I guess eventually you can do a special show featuring bloopers and outtakes.
Also: Morse is the best code.
Oh, there have been many, many edits. Where do you think all the Random Teaser™s come from?
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