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00:00 - Random Teaser™: a beastly insult
01:12 - "loving"
01:41 - what is Puzzled Pint?
02:53 - Curtis is a poor voice talent director, QED
04:12 - how it works, part 1: location puzzle on puzzledpint.com
05:28 - how it works, part 2: packet o' puzzles to solve in the pub
06:05 - declaring victory (or not)
07:03 - the low-key GC experience
09:31 - "an interesting experiment in growing a puzzle hunt community"
12:18 - cf. Stumptown Challenge, Urban Challenge
13:32 - speaking of "conference room" puzzle hunts...
15:13 - DeeAnn's favorite quote: "Weren't these supposed to be puzzles you can solve when you're drunk?"
15:41 - current slogan: Portland + puzzles + beer = Puzzled Pint
16:50 - as always, word-of-mouth is the best advertising
17:48 - hooking newbies, and Ian's GC Summit talk
20:46 - but, you know, putting up some flyers couldn't hurt
21:36 - yay for Puzzled Pint organizers Vic, Ana, and Matt!
22:29 - what Curtis and DeeAnn bring to the party (a hypothesis)
23:34 - Listener Mail x3
27:49 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "A Talk with George" by Jonathan Coulton
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