(You may notice a lot of what audio engineers call "room tone" or "crappy sound" in this week's podcast. This is because we didn't have a proper mixer for recording off the telephone call. We apologize for being complete amateurs.)
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00:00 - promo teaser: GC Summit 2010 videos online
01:09 - "independent"
01:26 - ObligatoryMontyPythonReference
01:45 - how does Larry feel about food and cooking?
03:13 - Listener Mail!
04:58 - whence the 2-Tone Game?
06:27 - "so you made a puzzle hunt because you wanted to play with a tracking system?"
07:29 - hooray for playtesters!
08:34 - 2-Tone Game is location-specific, but not time-specific
09:40 - total solve times range from less-than-one-day to not-yet-finished
11:06 - "I'm looking at the logs, and here's someone..."
12:33 - stat fact: most players have started but not finished
13:20 - "Is your first puzzle hard?"
14:18 - "Is the game completely linear?"
15:58 - and what if you're stuck in Omaha?
17:24 - "Is there a question anywhere in our future?"
18:39 - Larry prefers to play location-based Games
20:01 - what kind of Game does GC want the players to experience?
21:29 - and what kind of experience does GC want to have?
22:23 - ObligatoryHogwartsGameAnecdote
23:00 - DeeAnn has no idea what Curtis is talking about
24:47 - Larry's parents played 2-Tone Game recently
26:44 - play 2-Tone Game at http://www.2tonegame.org
27:49 - Larry will release his source code Real Soon Now
29:10 - read more from Larry at http://lahosken.san-francisco.ca.us
29:45 - don't forget: Shinteki SF Scramble on July 17th
30:59 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Ikea" by Jonathan Coulton
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