CORRECTION (ADD 16 Jul 2013): commenter Nathan Curtis is NOT Nathan Fung who helped us playtest WarTron.
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00:58 - "sympathetic"
01:47 - Nathan links to many online hunts
03:15 - Chris in England discovers overnight puzzle hunts in the Czech Republic
07:03 - Nathan knows a lot about BAPHLs
09:37 - a lively discussion about Game application puzzles
11:09 - yes, Nathan, we'll talk about both WARTRONs Real Soon Now :)
14:21 - James asks about removing motor vehicles in the middle of a Game
20:39 - our cat Jasper is very interested in The Famine Game!
24:11 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton
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Minor correction: I am not the Nathan who helped with playtesting for WarTron Boston. That was Nathan Fung. I participated in WarTron as a player. Though I did get a couple of emails in the months leading up to the recast that were clearly intended for Nathan Fung, followed up by an urgent "Oh please don't read that" from Sarah. Not wanting to be spoiled, I dutifully deleted those messages.
Oops! Thanks for the correction, Nathan C.; we've posted a correction and will issue an official retraction on next week's show. :P
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