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00:00 - Random TeaserTM: breaking the fourth wall
01:43 - how do GCs pick their themes?
05:02 - many Game themes are based on TV/movies/media/pop culture
06:05 - lessons learned: theme > story (e.g., Justice Unlimited)
08:26 - how Snout picks themes
11:07 - Homicide: Life on the Farm
11:48 - FoBiK
14:20 - you don't need a lot of story in a Game...
16:20 - ...but the players need to be the stars of the story
17:47 - the story of FoBiK
19:37 - foreshadowing in trailer, payoff in photo clue
21:08 - front-loading story in Justice Unlimited
22:46 - men in tights
24:11 - lively debate over the Hogwarts Game story
29:04 - thank you, Goonies Game!
31:05 - how is Harry Potter like the President of the United States?
33:29 - how Chris suckered us into running Midnight Madness
36:19 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Mandelbrot Set" by Jonathan Coulton
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1 comment:
Snout could run a game themed on the opposites of previous Snout themes. Since Hogwarts didn't allow spoilers, one puzzle would be all spoilers. JU was superheroes, you could do a supervillain puzzle. Uhm, except I don't know what the opposite of Midnight Madness is. Never mind.
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