- the PDX Browncoats' scavenger hunt in Portland on May 2nd;
- BAPHL 1 in Boston on May 8th; and
- Puzzle Pursuit in San Diego on June 26th.
[ Download mp3 - 38 MB ]
00:00 - Random Teaser™: aggressive squirrel (video)
02:20 - Recapping Different Area, Same Hunt...
03:55 - ...which happened in ten cities
06:08 - clue production as a final quality-control (QC) pass
08:00 - it takes two to QC
09:49 - positive feedback from Portland DASH teams
13:51 - Curtis argues that "Same Hunt" is a misnomer
17:13 - DeeAnn talks volunteers
22:48 - building a Game community in Portland?
25:58 - fast teams still have fun
27:50 - teams don't really like to travel
33:16 - why prizes are bad, dude
36:17 - see DASH puzzles, scores, etc. at playdash.org Real Soon Now
39:16 - Game season begins! Shinteki Decathlon 6, 2 Tone Game, PAX, and more
40:22 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton
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Thanks for the link!
You're welcome. Thanks for dipping your toe into the GC pool. :)
I have to give huge props to my friend and fellow GNUer Given Clatterbaugh. He was kind of my silent partner in GCing in Santa Rosa.
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