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00:59 - "trans-Atlantic"
02:00 - everyone should play Last Night on Earth (as seen on Tabletop)
03:47 - recasting Puzzled Pint: February 2011
05:55 - how does this spreadsheet work again?
09:10 - the origin of "Chris and Pat"
14:51 - backsolving is perfectly valid (albeit sometimes unsatisfying)
18:47 - DeeAnn on puzzle communities, especially Portland, Oregon
20:33 - upcoming online puzzle events: Ghost Patrol "Recon" (Oct.31st), Elevate Tutoring Puzzle Hunt "the 2nd" (Nov.2nd), The Octothorpean Order "for realz" (Nov.16th); more at PuzzleHuntCalendar.com!
25:58 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Baby Got Back" by Jonathan Coulton
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\o/ Thank you! It was, indeed, a blast, and I think a lot of other communities around the world could possibly find it just such a blast as well.
By happy coincidence, or maybe happy design, today is my birthday, so your kind greetings are precisely timed. Hurrah! Very gentle day so far.
By another happy coincidence, the UK is also holding its own "private party" version of Ghost Patrol Recon on Sunday afternoon. It's not really so private; anyone who wants to solve on a schedule consistent with the UK time zone is welcome. (Perhaps it's not so surprising! While holding the event on Halloween itself is thematic and cool, the next day is a business day, and there is something appealing about spending a Sunday afternoon - likely one with inclement weather - solving puzzles in good company.)
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