THANK YOU again to everyone who helped with "The Double Secret Project!" I love you all forever. (Scroll down for the inevitable slideshow.)
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00:59 - "deceptive"
03:20 - the lying began way back in June
08:16 - a close call in July!
10:29 - The Game began at Genies
15:19 - the first Clue: at which point Curtis knows for sure Matt is involved
19:09 - the second Clue, more revelations, and solving alone is hard
20:59 - the third Clue: Brian, Jeff, and Donna's "chubby tricorder"
25:33 - changing cars, getting kidnapped, and learning about child safety locks
29:19 - the fourth Clue: Q presents some paper dolls
31:50 - the fifth Clue: music to transport by
33:38 - the final Clue: Starship Artemis on stage!
44:27 - (don't worry, we'll talk about The Famine Game soon)
45:10 - upcoming: Ghost Patrol Reconstructed (Halloween night)
48:15 - The End
And here's the slideshow (photos by Britta and Chris, certain terrible music choices by Richard):
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail or post a comment at
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton; "The Nerdy Birthday Song" by The Doubleclicks
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