Sunday, October 07, 2012

some cats are LAME

hello... i'm TYE and i don't see what's wrong with looking out the windows... we do it all the time... so what if there are some strange humans out there... it's not like they even notice us cats...

i will admit... it gave me pause when we first escaped the bathroom and i saw this huge mess on my way to FOOD ROBOT... the back area of the apartment next to the sliding glass door is totally wrecked... there's stuff everywhere... it's even WORSE than when the humans ran that GAME this summer...

the big wooden table has been BROKEN into pieces... also some of the chairs... and there are books and board game boxes scattered all over the floor... plus there's some weird sticky RED stuff spilled on the carpet... we have to step very carefully to avoid getting our paws dirty...

but whatever... the humans leave their stuff lying around all the time... maybe they were DISTRACTED by packing for their trip last night... and that's why it's worse than usual... i'm sure they'll clean it up after they get back... or the cat-sitter will when she gets here later...

meanwhile... like i said... i don't see a problem with looking out the windows... and we could even see the humans when they return... some other cats should just chill out...

Zombie Apocalypse 2012

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