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00:57 - bad news and good news
01:43 - upcoming events!
02:04 - BAPHL 2 (Boston Area Puzzle Hunt League), September 25th, Boston: www.baphl.org/2
02:43 - Berkeley Mystery Hunt, October 2nd, Berkeley: e-mail mehtank@berkeley.edu
03:32 - "Odd Man Out" treasure hunt, October 23rd, SF's Tenderloin: e-mail dave@schweisguth.org
04:31 - Ghost Patrol BANG (Bay Area Night Game)--SOLD OUT!--October 31st, Berkeley: ghost-patrol.com
05:36 - Puzzled Pint #4: Oktoberfest!, October 12th, Portland: puzzledpint.com
06:43 - DASH 3 (Different Area, Same Hunt), April 30th, 2011, in 14 cities across the USA: playdash.org
08:33 - Curtis wants you to send him postcards!11:55 - you don't have to send a puzzle: team applications, from GC's POV
15:58 - Twitter contest!
- For a chance to win one of two surplus Puzzled Pint #3 Pirate Packets, follow @teamsnout on Twitter and tweet something to us with the hashtag #OGCTTF ("Only Game Control Thinks That's Funny") before 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Sunday, September 26th. Winners will be announced on the next SnoutCast!
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "The Future Soon" by Jonathan Coulton
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Get well soon, DeeAnn!
5:04 - Delicious, delicious rumors!
Larry: she's feeling much better, thanks!
Jeff: yeah, they were delicious before they were proven false. :(
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