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00:00 - feline teaser: introducing Tye!
01:26 - "thoughtful"
02:25 - DeeAnn still can't find that article
03:26 - Curtis attempts to define "toy" and "game"
04:29 - ...like the Megaminx
05:39 - The Sims: toy or game?
07:03 - ...in which Jeff starves a Sim (on purpose)
07:30 - ...and DeeAnn starves a Sim (by accident)
08:46 - using board game pieces as toys, in theory
09:45 - and what about playing cards?
11:14 - Celebrities: a "pure" game, arguably
12:44 - DeeAnn's definitions of "toy" and "game" are much more concise
13:50 - is there a "game threshold" for structured activities?
14:19 - ...not for DeeAnn, the living counter-example!
14:53 - referencing Jesse Schell's DICE talk
15:34 - ...and Chore Wars
16:50 - we have cat toys... are there cat games?
18:22 - what about D&D?
19:43 - re: our current campaign...
21:35 - misanthropy FTW
23:20 - we'll talk more about D&D later
23:50 - is this a festival of lame? You tell us!
24:58 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Shop Vac" by Jonathan Coulton
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