You'll be able to hear our Shinteki Decathlon 6 review next week, on June 8th. If you can't wait that long, try Puzzalot's Puzzle Hunt Forums for spoiler-free discussion.
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00:00 - teaser: name that noise
01:56 - was DeeAnn smiling?
02:19 - playing not to win
03:24 - "We always play games for fun!"
03:35 - "That's another podcast."
04:42 - games you have to play for fun, e.g., Fluxx
05:41 - games kids think are stupid
06:31 - even the pre-literate enjoy Apples to Apples
09:00 - playing for fun can still include strategizing
09:48 - most players will not win any given game
10:30 - but people, esp. gamblers, are irrational
11:00 - DeeAnn's winning roulette strategy
12:41 - DeeAnn's orthogonal Monopoly strategy
13:44 - why you should not play poker with DeeAnn's mother
16:01 - Curtis sometimes cares if he wins
16:35 - players helping players
19:23 - I can hear you smile
20:15 - shout like a news anchor!
20:50 - you, too, can look up "Dragon Age sex" on YouTube
22:10 - Next week: Curtis' Shinteki Decathlon 6 review
23:18 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "You Ruined Everything" by Jonathan Coulton
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