Thank you to everyone who listened, commented, or supported us in other ways for the duration of this endeavor. We got to talk to some really cool people, and managed to spark some great conversations. We learned a lot, and we hope we gave you something to think about along the way.
Don't worry, we are going to continue running puzzle events—honestly, it's pathological at this point—and you'll definitely hear about them (figuratively) on the Internet. But we'll do it under other names which are more suited to the specific event. Those names may or may not include the word "Snout." Always in motion is the future and shit.
Here's one last overshare: our podcast planning spreadsheet! Note that the proposed "topic notes" don't always match what we actually ended up talking about... 0Aj84p6-RxYgWdHRYVVlyT3pmM3EwYkxEOFhkRkV5Y1E& usp=sharing
Finally: we forgot to mention in the podcast that as part of closing down "Team Snout," we donated our remaining funds to Elevate Tutoring, another California non-profit which regularly runs puzzle hunts. Go check out their latest event, ETPH3 - Zara's Big Adventure, happening on January 31st and February 8th!
Thanks again, everyone. Run More Games.
[ Download mp3 ]
Show length: 35:21
File size: 33MB
Stuff and things:
- Andrea Phillips' weekly podcast The Cultures
- Cully Long's book How to Puzzle Cache
- Puzzled Pint, of course
What Else?
- Chris Dickson's Exit Games UK
- Dan Egnor's Puzzle Hunt Calendar (and Escape Room Directory)
- Rich Bragg's ClueKeeper
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail or post a comment at
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Tom Cruise Crazy" by Jonathan Coulton
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My commute just got a little more boring. Thanks for everything you guys do for the community!
I'll miss hearing you guys, but I understand that when something has run it's course you have to move on. It's been fun having a tiny window into your lives. :)
Thanks, everybody! We really appreciate all your support over the years.
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