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Show length: 45:39
File size: 41.8MB
Stuff and things:
- Andrea's web site
- The Daring Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart
- A Creator's Guide to Transmedia Storytelling
- Andrea's Wikipedia page
- People are still trying to Find Satoshi
What Else?
- DASH 6 is coming (if you're not playing, consider volunteering!)
- Have you heard about ClueKeeper?
- What about Puzzle Hunt Calendar?
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail podcast@snout.org or post a comment at www.snout.org/podcast.
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Skullcrusher Mountain" by Jonathan Coulton
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In her plugs section at the end, Andrea was too polite to mention that she is one of the three people who put together the "The Cultures" podcast. It's not a games podcast as such, but Andrea talks with two other people who work alongside her on game projects - some subset of The Beast, thirteen years ago, Perplex City, about half that time ago, and Zombies, Run! and The Walk over the last couple of years or so. They talk about whatever they've found in the last week or two that has interested them; games are a reasonable subsection of this, but only a subsection, and they're all very smart thinkers and proactively interesting, while knowing how to communicate at a general, accessible level.
Ever since the Snoutcast went from monthly to weekly, this has been among the weekly podcasts I've followed, enjoyed and marathoned!
Thanks, Chris!
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