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01:10 - "bicentennial"
01:34 - Listener Mail: it's pronounced LEHD-beet-ur
02:56 - you, too, should listen to Patrick Stewart's one-man-show of A Christmas Carol
03:53 - SnoutCast Future
10:23 - SnoutCast Present
16:33 - SnoutCast Past (see below for links)
22:37 - go watch some GC Summit videos, kid
25:36 - The End
What Else?
- SnoutCast 47 "Before Midnight" - Don Luskin (~40min)
- SnoutCast 64 "Homicide: Life on the Farm - 10 Years Later" - Sean Gugler (~1hr)
- SnoutCast 168, 169, 170 "The Coin Heist Report with Glenn Willen" - Glenn Willen (~30min each)
- SnoutCast 86, 87, 88 "Alternate Reality Games" - Matthew Schuler & Sean Stacey (~30min each)
- SnoutCast 53 "GC Summit 2011 Panel: MY FIRST GAME" - Dan Egnor, Justin Graham, Jan Chong, Dann Webster, and Trisha Lantznester (~50min)
- Keep watching the skies; also, Puzzle Hunt Calendar
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail podcast@snout.org or post a comment at www.snout.org/podcast.
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Chiron Beta Prime" by Jonathan Coulton
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I think one-person interviews w/lady GCs who've previously been part of group interviews would be good--I noticed that most of my ideas for possible interviewees had already been on the show.
Alexandra could be interesting; she does hunts for folks like us and civilians.
Real Escape Game San Francisco has a lady on staff. The only thing I know about her is: her English is better than most of the REG folks; when there's something complex to explain, she often steps forward. I dunno her name or anything, y'know, useful for getting in touch w/her and convincing her to go on the show, though. Mmaybe Deanna Rubin would know? Maybe? I know she's talked w/some of the REG GC folks.
Anyhow, sounds like it'll be a series of interesting interviews. Very good. Carry on.
Thanks for the suggestion, Larry! We'll see if we can track down the REG lady. :)
How about Debbie? DASH would not be where it is without her!
How about Yuan? She put Davis DASH on the map and ran GC 2 years in a row there. She is so dedicated she even flew to London directly from her GC post in Half Moon Bay to run DASH there! If that weren't enough, she is helping coordinate DASH 6!
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