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00:59 - "decisive"
31:15 - The End
What Else?
- Portlanders: come say hello to the Puzzled Pint crew tomorrow night at OMSI After Dark
- Add your event to Puzzle Hunt Calendar
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail podcast@snout.org or post a comment at www.snout.org/podcast.
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "The Future Soon" by Jonathan Coulton
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If there are fewer/no podcasts, what do I get instead? Because it's all about my benefit. Like, if y'all are just going to sit around and enjoy life more, I don't see what good that does me: just nip that line of reasoning in the bud right now. But hey if it means now you're going to have time to repurpose an old Puzzled Pint puzzle as a location-ish puzzle for Octothorpean, then you have my permission to take a month off from podcasting.
Speaking of which, here's a possible germ of a conversation topic for you: some experienced puzzlehuntists have been confused by Octothorpean. Why? Because not all of it is structured around metapuzzles. Because, y'know, it's supposed to teach about various puzzlehuntish things and not all puzzlehunts are structured around metapuzzles. Or such is my claim. I sorta take that not-all-puzzlehunts-have-metas for granted, but apparently that's controversial. Maybe we can get folks to feud about that.
Possible interview topic: Instead of talking about a recent game, talk with folks about some game that happened ten years ago. What do they still remember fondly? How did that game influence later games?
Yes, it was just friendly teasing. Unless you thought it was mean, in which case there should be some kind of emoticon for "this is just friendly teasing, and if you think it is mean, FUCK YOU".
Which, of course, I would never write. :)
I think interview-only podcasting would work. Not because I don't want to hear your friendly voices, but because the best conversations happen that way. You've taught all you want to teach, now let other teachers teach you and us.
I agree with UKChris, if you're not enjoying it anymore, stop doing it. If you're still enjoying it keep doing it, if you just don't want to have to come up with topics or do it so often, cut back. How about once a month? or once every two months?
BTW, I totally laughed when you guys mentioned that you need deadlines and outside motivation to get anything done. Color me unsurprised by this shocking revelation ;)
P.S. I also agree with lahosken, if there are fewer/no podcast what do I get instead?
P.P.S. I'm ready for an east coast/west coast show down
2 weeks, I meant weeks,
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