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00:58 - "timely"
06:09 - "This Game was full of C.R.A.P.!"
09:55 - how did you get involved with Doctor When?
17:06 - differences between first and second weekends?
21:36 - the web site shuffle, spoilers, and angry Matt
28:20 - last minute puzzles?
33:06 - Erik's mom has got it goin' on
34:19 - (Yes, he's pronouncing it wrong. No, he doesn't care.)
35:05 - What's next? Wei-Hwa's book, Sean's mobile puzzles
38:40 - The End
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail podcast@snout.org or post at snout.org/podcast.
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton
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* Did you know that "Doctor Who" is an anagram of "Torchwood," in the same way that "Doctor When" is an anagram of "Trenchwood?" Well, you do now.
No, wait, I do care.
Too late. :)
Good interview :-)
In hindsight, I don't think those guys meant to fool me. I think they were just bullshitting.
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