Also: we talk about using automation vs. human volunteers when running Games and similar events!
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00:00 - Too Many Monkeys Teaser
02:20 - "organic"
04:00 - what is a robot, really?
05:56 - (this topic prompted by GameStorm)
08:02 - paper audit trails for convention registration and GC help calls
12:20 - automation does make hint/confirm systems more fair...
14:05 - ...but some GCs have more fun talking to teams on the phone
14:46 - the workplace RTFM analogy
19:07 - lightning round: 3 examples!
21:06 - (Paul and Storm have much to answer for)
21:23 - Example 1: GC Help/Hint Line (already discussed)
21:34 - Example 2: Clue Locations
27:40 - Example 3: Applications
31:33 - DeeAnn explains the meaning of life
33:02 - Curtis may need to make another flowchart
33:54 - closing statements (and rebuttals)
36:32 - check for upcoming events!
38:55 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "The Future Soon" by Jonathan Coulton
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