Wednesday(9/30), 6-10pm: "West Side Karaoke"
Voicebox NW, 2112 NW Hoyt
Please RSVP on Facebook* if you plan to join us; we're getting a private suite and need to know how many people we're packing in. Singing is not required! I will be happy to croon at a captive audience all night long. :) We'll provide some food and non-alcoholic drinks; you buy your own booze and additional munchies if you like.
Thursday(10/1), 8pm: "Rifftrax Live: Miami Connection"
Regal Cinemas Lloyd Center (outside the mall), 1510 NE Multnomah St
My actual birthday! Buy your own ticket and meet us at the theatre. Get there early (7:30pm) for the pre-show!
Friday(10/2), 11am: "Tea and Company"
Wong's King Seafood Restaurant, 8733 SE Division St, Suite 101
Meet us for a dim sum lunch! We eat family style, so we'll just split the bill evenly among everyone who shows up. Please RSVP on Facebook* so we know how many people are coming (they don't take reservations, so there will be a wait).
Saturday(10/3), ~2pm: "Game Day Afternoon"
Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Ave
We plan to hang out for a few hours in the Courtyard Restaurant and play various games (and eat and drink). Stop by whenever and join the fun!
Sunday(10/4), ~11am: "Breakfast on Mars"
Time/Place TBD
Meet us for breakfast and a movie (The Martian) in the wilds of Vancouver—you buy your own food/ticket. Cinetopia won't publish their showtimes until next week, so if you're interested, RSVP on Facebook* to get updates!
* If you're not on Facebook, just send me an e-mail to let us know which event(s) you're coming to!
And please don't feel obligated to join us for any of these activities, if they don't appeal to you. The two of us know how to have a great time all on our own. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN ;)
(And yes, I know "please RSVP" is technically a redundant phrase. Colloquial usage
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Now *that's* a birthday weekend! I'm not in Portland, alas, but have a great celebration.
(And now I'm curious what your "go-to" karaoke song is...)
- yeff
YEFF: for the past few years it's been Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" but next week I'm going to break out some Taylor Swift. :)
in that case, I may have to try and make it there after work.
The more the merrier! :)
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