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00:58 - "asynchronous"
02:01 - question (paraphrased) from Chris in England: can a one-person GC run puzzles from an archived event?
02:29 - a brief history of Puzzled Pint...
03:26 - ...including details on simulcasting to Seattle
05:08 - announcement: come solve Jay Lorch's puzzles at Puzzled Pint in August!
11:25 - here's how you could re-run Puzzled Pint, May 2013: "Arrested Development"!
16:49 - the downsides of being a one-person Game Control
21:31 - great minds think alike (see also: The Famine Game team videos)
26:00 - where to find info on past events: snout.org/game, bayareanightgame.org, and...?
27:32 - The End
Tell us we're wrong on the Internet! E-mail podcast@snout.org or post a comment at www.snout.org/podcast.
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Shop Vac" by Jonathan Coulton
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All the past BAPHLs (Boston Area Puzzle Hunt League) are archived at http://www.baphl.org/#events, with puzzles and solutions. However, every BAPHL has had between 1 and 3 site-specific puzzles, and BAPHLs 2 and 7 had site-specific metapuzzles. The BAPHL 7 archives include pictures of the site-specific information needed to solve those puzzles, but for the others, you're on your own. (I was going to suggest Google Maps and Street View for some of the site-specific puzzles, but it occurs to me that some of the older puzzles are now out of date...)
> some of the older puzzles are now out of date
Urban morphology strikes again
> Urban morphology strikes again
Yeah, I know. In one case, the puzzle turns out to be perhaps more solvable if you're sitting at home and just happen to know a good bit about the area in question. You don't have to worry that the Italian restaurant in one photo has been replaced by a tavern, or that the coffeehouse in another photo has changed their menu. Try to solve it on foot and you'll likely get frustrated by some of these changes.
I've got this far through my Snoutcast sequential listen (well, by now, it's a re-listen) and want to thank you both again for giving my questions such time and attention. Really enjoyed last week's episode in particular and looking forward to tomorrow's and the next part of the WarTron discussion!
Thanks Chris! We appreciate your thought-provoking questions. :)
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