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00:59 - "puzzled"
02:23 - P4 or "pub crawl" or whatever
04:20 - Ana's location puzzle
04:58 - locations and timing: Produce Row vs. Hair of the Dog
07:48 - NOT talking about Ana's "icebreaker" puzzle
08:19 - DeeAnn's "ropes" puzzle
09:32 - Matt's trail mix puzzle (a.k.a. "Hike")
12:12 - more locations: Green Dragon vs. Cascade Barrel House
13:00 - Curtis's "singalong" puzzle (s'mores)
17:18 - Vic's meta-puzzle, at Roadside Attraction
21:19 - things which went wrong, but not too badly
23:20 - PuzzleHuntCalendar.com, etc.
25:03 - The End
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Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "A Talk with George" by Jonathan Coulton
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1) We've come up to Vancouver before to record, so there!
2) I don't think I deserve credit for the point-to-point, but thank you.
Summer camp, eh? Good thing I wasn't designing the puzzles. All asking the players to stick out their arms so I could give them fake mosquito bites in Braille.
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