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01:01 - "cooperative"
01:48 - why we're talking about teamwork
03:55 - why you might (not) want DeeAnn on your Game team
06:30 - checklist city
09:10 - other teams can be a puzzle-solving resource
12:22 - Introverted Xenophobes™
13:46 - semantic wars: "average" vs. "normal"
15:37 - two possible irrelevant charades examples
18:56 - intra-team cooperation; explicit and implicit roles
20:44 - deconstructing "dude" and Tron Legacy
21:30 - "Teamwork is good! Drugs are bad!"
24:18 - the pros and cons of parallel puzzle-solving
30:04 - digression into the definition of "drug"
32:14 - upcoming events: JoCo Cruise Crazy (Florida, 1/2-8), Puzzled Pint (PDX, 1/11), Iron Puzzler (
34:11 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "Tom Cruise Crazy" by Jonathan Coulton
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