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00:00 - zomby kitteh teaser
01:08 - "lugubrious"
01:33 - in the beginning: Stanford Games
02:25 - "she's regretted it ever since" and what happened with Hogwarts Game
07:02 - "I couldn't have imagined not running a Game"
08:03 - how to choose your college major
10:09 - "what I never did learn was how not to run a Game"
11:07 - starting the business: Just Passing Through, established 2001
15:03 - the origin of "just passing through"
17:25 - on not turning Jackpot Game into a TV show
19:12 - today: the Shinteki empire
23:17 - the voices of experience
25:16 - on running age-appropriate events for children
27:17 - advice for new GCs
29:00 - are day games now more popular than full-weekend events?
30:22 - re-runs, e.g., Decathlon on consecutive weekends
32:16 - we love our volunteers
33:12 - hire Shinteki! (PDF brochure)
35:00 - upcoming events: Puzzled Pint tonight!
38:45 - The End
Music: instrumentals from "Code Monkey" and "The Future Soon" by Jonathan Coulton
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