Here's where I'll be:
Saturday, October 14
9:00AM - Salon B
SFWA: Supports for Writers & Routes to Membership
An overview of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) with current and former Secretaries and our current Volunteer Coordinator. Light breakfast fare and coffee will be available!
Curtis C. Chen, Susan Forest, Derek Künsken
11:30-12:00 - Dealer's Room, Chapters Table
Signing Session
Titles will be available for sale by Chapters, but no purchase is necessary – feel free to bring something with you for us to sign!
Curtis C. Chen, Yves Meynard
13:30-13:45 - Salon B
A scene from KANGAROO TOO, and possibly something from the new work in progress!
Curtis C. Chen
Sunday, October 15
2:00PM - Salon D
Leveling Up Your Writing with Formal Courses
Previous participants in courses like Clarion, Odyssey, Taos Toolbox, MFAs, etc. discuss (1) the benefits and drawbacks of residential vs. online writing courses, (2) how they got in, (3) what they learned there vs. other places to learn.
Curtis C. Chen, Suzanne Church, Timothy Gwyn, Leah MacLean-Evans, Kelly Robson (moderator)
Visit the Can*Con web site for complete Panel Descriptions & Schedule and more information.
Follow @curtiscchen or @CanConSF on Twitter for additional shenanigans!

P.S. Has it really been almost two months since my last blog post here? Maybe I ought to put up or shut up on this whole blogging thing. :P