If you're a SF/F convention-goer, here are some 2016 events I'm definitely attending and which I would recommend to any fan:
- Norwescon 39 (March) - my kick-ass agent Sam Morgan will be there
- Westercon 69 (July) - I volunteered to be Scalzi's GOH liaison, so get used to hearing me say "COKE ZERO OR GTFO"
- Worldcon 74: MidAmeriCon II (August) - everything's up to date in Kansas City
- OryCon 38 (November) - down by the river
A few others are undecided, but watch my author Twitter stream for announcements.
Plus my friend Claire Humphrey and I are working on a mini-book tour for our debut novels this June (Spells of Blood and Kin and Waypoint Kangaroo, respectively). More details on that as we figure it out.
I'm also like 90% sure I'm going to the Star Trek 50th anniversary thing in Las Vegas this August. Don't even act surprised.