Wednesday, April 20, 2011

YAtopia Pitch Contest

Don't ask me how I heard about this, because that has been lost in the haze of carefree web surfing. (It was probably Twitter.)
Pitch Contest with Natalie Fischer!

Hello guys. I have another amazing opportunity for you. Fantastic agent, Natalie Fischer of Bradford Lit agency, is going to be hosting this round of pitch contest! And some of you lucky people will get the chance to submit to Natalie after... (she's currently closed to submissions).

To see what a recent interview with Natalie and to find out her likes, visit here. The only difference from the other pitch contests is that us YAtopians will choose our top 20 to give to Natalie who will then pick her winners from that...
Follow the link above to read all the rules. I'm not sure my novel is ready to be pitched (and it's certainly not YA), but I might as well start somewhere.

There are currently just over 100 entries, so fellow writers: you've still got time to jump in!


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